Overview of services from past winners
Rank Company Service Overview
2023 1st Place Toggle G.K.
  • Provides financial planners and others with a chat-based service via unique generative AI technology that supports the analysis of client portfolios
  • This new chat service is capable of providing more accurate analysis than existing AI chatbots, enabled by its ability to analyze past economic, financial, and market data
2nd Place Credit Engine, Inc.
  • Builds and provides a platform that enables a completely digitalized loan application process for loans guaranteed by guaranteed corporations, for all processes undertaken by borrowers, financial institutions, and guarantee corporations
  • Shortens the lead time for loan issuance by streamlining administrative tasks
3rd Place Inovat Ltd.
  • Provides consumers travelling abroad with a totally digitalized process for obtaining VAT refunds
  • Partners with tax authorities and duty-free stores by providing an API which enables foreign nationals visiting Japan to quickly receive VAT refunds for their purchases by submitting their purchases/receipts using the Inovat app
2022 1st Place KAERU, Inc.
  • A prepaid card for elderly customers with dementia.
  • Includes services such as family monitoring (remote tracking of usage history, balance top-up etc.) and service suspension in case of card loss.
  • Contributes to reducing the burden on caregivers, promotes financial inclusion for the elderly and provides the ease of cashless payment.
2nd Place BetterData Pte. Ltd.
  • An AI Privacy Platform that anonymizes, synthesizes and analyzes personal data for regulated industries such as Finance, Insurance, Healthcare, and Government.
  • Companies will be able to use synthetic data to develop new products and services, as well as monetize their data without violating data protection regulations.
  • Future plans to expand this service to Japan.
3rd Place Bee Informatica Sdn. Bhd.
  • A quick loans service in Malaysia offering loans to small businesses without an established credit score.
  • Utilizes a “psychometric test” that scores entrepreneurship, financial literacy and compliance awareness etc.
  • Future plans to expand this service to Japan.
2021 1st Place G-Bank technologies OÜ
  • Offers a platform for financial services to improve the lives of international workers in Japan.
2nd Place Caulis Inc.
  • Aims to prevent fraudulent opening of bank accounts by identity theft
  • Conducts an analysis of the possibility of identity theft by referring the information of account holders to the electric power transmission information of electric power companies, contributing to the prevention of the opening of bank accounts for the purpose of fraud and money laundering.
3rd Place Tractable Ltd.
  • Reduces the time it takes to pay out insurance claims for building damages caused by typhoons from several months to a few days
  • AI solution automatically calculates the appropriate repair cost by simply taking pictures of the damaged parts of the building with a smartphone.
2020 1st Place Paygilant
  • Providing fraud detection services that combine six additional types of information, including behavioral biometrics and transaction analysis technology
2nd Place Credify Pte.Ltd
  • Provides "idX," a solution based on the concept of "self-sovereign ID" and "distributed ID," which allows users to manage their own personal information and control the scope of disclosure.
3rd Place CrowdLoan Inc.
  • In addition to data on the loan performance of users using the company's services, a function has been added that uses external data to improve the screening system using proprietary AI.
2019 1st Place Frich, Inc.
  • Providing pet insurance services for a limited number of breeds of dogs through SNS community groups.
2nd Place Fly Money Technologies LTD
  • Offer services that allow user to exchange money into local currency, receive cash at home or at the airport, and deposit money into local payment services with lower fees at the time of booking.
3rd Place 400F Co., Ltd.
  • A service for individuals that provides asset management advice in a more understandable, appropriate, and efficient manner based on a "financial health checkup”. Chatbots with AI machine learning are used to provide neutral and appropriate information to clients.
2018 1st Place justInCase, Inc.
  • Insurance claims are to be completed within 90 seconds via the app's chatbot.
2nd Place TORANOTEC, Ltd.
  • Newly launched "Real Change Investment," a service that allows users to invest simply by inserting change into a change box set up in Tokyo.
3rd Place GLORY LTD.
  • Development of an online "identity authentication platform" that uses "face" and "voice" for identity verification, with the aim of practical and commercialization.


Needs and challenges for Tokyo residents
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Needs and challenges for Tokyo residents
Number of applicants and applicant countries
Overview of the Support Program
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Needs and challenges for Tokyo residents
Number of applicants and applicant countries
Overview of the Support Program
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Themes to be Resolved
Number of applicants and applicant countries
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Themes to be Resolved
Number of applicants and applicant countries
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Themes to be Resolved
Number of applicants and applicant countries
Support Program
Winners overview & Solution video & Award Ceremony