We use many financial services in our day-to-day life, using e-money to take trains, withdrawing money from ATMs at convenience stores, or taking out life or auto insurance. If you have interests in investing, you may also be investing in stocks or investment trust funds.
Have you ever felt that it would be even better if it was just a little more convenient, or that?
In addition, financial institutions that provide their respective financial services are constantly striving to improve their services and streamline their operations.
For the “Financial Innovation Category”, Tokyo residents and businesses are invited to submit any dissatisfaction they feel, or requests they have regarding the BtoB or BtoC services in Tokyo, or services they wish. Tokyo Metropolitan Government will choose the theme to be resolved from these applications, and ask domestic and foreign financial companies offering relevant solutions to apply for.
From the applicants, the best three examples will be chosen by 2 judging processes and awarded. The first, second and third prize winner receive 10M JPY, 5M JPY, 3M JPY, respectively.
Submission of resolutions
First Judgement
Start of the Support Program
Final Judgement
Award Ceremony
Thank you for submitting your solutions to the “Financial Innovation Category”.
The Applications are now closed.
Please contact the Secretariat at tfa@jp.ey.com for any questions.
The "Financial Innovation Category" of the Tokyo Financial Award invited financial businesses to apply for "Solutions" to "Themes to be solved" which are based on the needs and challenges related to financial services which were submitted by residents and businesses in Tokyo.
The solutions submitted by applicants are examined in terms of consistency with the theme, innovativeness in the technology and business, and feasibility, among other factors.
We will provide support programs to approximately 15 applicants in Japan and from overseas in order to help them brush up their work for the purpose of commercialization.
After the program, we will conduct a final screening and announce the top three applicants at the award ceremony.
10 million yen, 5 million yen, and 3 million yen will be awarded as prize money respectively to first place, second place and third place applicants.
For companies selected after the First-Stage screening, we will provide support programs to brush up the products and services they develop and offer,
including holding preliminary seminars, mentoring/business meetings, networking events, and business matching opportunities.
Click here to see the list of the support program participants.
Business Matching Partner Companies
Daiwa Securities Group Inc.
Global Brain Corporation
Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, Limited
MUFG Bank, Ltd.
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Seven Bank, Ltd.
* and many others
Committee Chair
Committee Members