
Sustainable Finance

Have you heard of “Sustainable Finance” before?

Sustainable finance is a framework for utilizing funds for the purpose of transitioning to a more sustainable society, by addressing environmental issues such as climate change, social issues such as human rights and poverty, and other widespread common global issues.

The public’s approach to sustainable finance tends to focus on the environmental element which is of more interest and where companies have detailed pre-existing initiatives, and the social element, which addresses human rights and diversity issues. However, governance, which enables the healthy operation of companies, is another important element in driving forward sustainable finance.

One of the most notable aspects of Sustainable Finance in recent years has been the expansion of "green finance," which is financing to improve energy efficiency, reduce waste emissions, and introduce renewable energies.

Overview of the Sustainability Category

In the “Sustainability Category”, “Investment Subcategory” invites companies that engage in a wide range of financial activities including, but not limited to investment, lending, etc., that contribute to the realization of a sustainable society; and the “Business Subcategory” invites initiatives that utilize sustainable finance(including a wide range of financing method such as VC investments, etc.) that contributes to the realization of a sustainable society.

The Governor's Special Award will be presented to a business that is particularly outstanding in its green finance initiatives from among the applicants (about three institutions) selected as the most excellent businesses.




Submission of applications

First-stage screening

Final screening

Award Ceremony

Call for


Thank you for submitting your solutions to the “Sustainability Category”.
The Applications are now closed.
Please contact the Secretariat at tfa@jp.ey.com for any questions.

The "Sustainability Category" of the Tokyo Financial Award is divided into two subcategories: the Investment Subcategory and the Business Subcategory.

The Investment Subcategory invited businesses that engage in a wide range of financial activities (including, but not limited to investments, lending, etc.) that contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

The Business subcategory invited initiatives that leverage sustainable finance* (including a wide range of financing such as VC investments, etc.) to help achieve a sustainable society.
* Sustainability-linked loans, sustainability funds, and other similar methods of fundraising

The solutions submitted will be examined in terms of whether they utilize sustainable finance(including a wide range of financing method such as VC investments, etc.) to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society, whether they align with the initiatives being solicited, their uniqueness and outcomes, and other factors.

At the award ceremony, the Sustainability Category as a whole will award approximately three outstanding applicants.
Among those awarded applicants, one business that is particularly outstanding in its green finance initiatives will be awarded with the “Governor’s Special Prize for Green Finance”.


Committee Chair

YAMAOKA Hiromi :Board Member and Chief Sustainability Officer, Future Corporation
Special Advisor for International Finance, Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Committee Members

OE Kayo :President and CEO, Office Libertas
KATO Yasuyuki :Professor, Business School, Kyoto University of Advanced Science
NEMOTO Naoko :Ph.D., Professor Waseda Business School
ARAI Masaru :Chair, Japan Sustainable Investment Forum (JSIF)